The Sandlot Wiki

Phoebrules Phoebrules 25 May 2020

for you bruh

hey was up if you can pikle the beast so can i thx

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Josh (Editor) Josh (Editor) 27 November 2017

Blog Rules

The following blog rules will be followed. Anybody who is concerned about the rules of this blog can post a message on my message wall. Here are the rules:

1. No trolling will be allowed within a blog post

2. No excessive spamming will be allowed within a blog post

3. No swearing will be allowed within a blog post

4. No inappropriate pictures will be allowed within a blog post (if a pornographic picture is found, you will be ip blocked)

5. No exchanging of personal information will be allowed within a blog post

6. No necroediting will be allowed within a blog post

7. No fighting will be allowed within a blog post

8. Any rule breaker will be allowed to question their ban with an administrator (exception is rule 4). If the administrator is wrong, th…

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